Nursing Services
The services are offered Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM . Information on Immunization Satellite Courses, Infectious Diseases, and CPR Certification is available at
Blood Pressure Screenings |
Blood Sugar Screenings |
TB Testing |
Head Checks |
Cholesterol Screening |
Hgb A1C Screening (Hemoglobin) |
Injections (such as Vitamin B12) |
Lead Screenings |
Immunizations: Adult, Pediatric and Travel |
Adult Immunization Program
The recommended immunizations and costs** are as follows:
**Vaccine charges are subject to change depending on current pricing.
Vaccination Name | Price |
Bexsero/Men B | $252.21 |
DTap | $51.94 |
HPV Gardasil | $398.28 |
Hepatitis A | |
Adult | $115.36 |
PEDS | $60.80 |
Hepatitis B | |
Adult- Engerix B | $84.01 |
Adult- Heplisav-B | $186.31 |
PEDS | $49.37 |
HIB | $39.46 |
IPV | $77.30 |
Kinrix | $87.99 |
Menveo | $167.59 |
MMR | $174.80 |
Pediarix | $108.02 |
ProQuad | $464.62 |
Rotarix | $162.87 |
Shingrix | $282.75 |
TB | $12.00 |
Td | $72.71 |
Tdap | $73.52 |
Trumemba/Men B | $158.36 |
Twinrix | $154.81 |
Typhoid | $197.33 |
Varicella | $307.41 |
Lead Screen | $14.95 |
Rabies | $531.79 |
Yellow Fever | $284.65 |
Below pricing determined by current Medicare Rates | |
FLU2023-2024 | |
FLUAD | $101.86 |
AFLURIA | $46.85 |
Pneumonia | |
Pneumovax23 | $177.67 |
Prevnar 20 | $324.14 |
Vaxneuvance | $319.77 |
COVID2023-2024 | |
Pfizer 12+ | $174.00 |
Pfizer 5-11Years | $133.19 |
Pfizer 6mo – 4 yrs | $109.58 |
Moderna 12+ | $190.33 |
Moderna 6mo -11yrs | $185.61 |
RSV 60+ | $359.38 |
The following immunizations are given at the Gallia County Health Department:
- DTaP
- Hepatitis B
- IPV (Polio)
- Meningococcal (MenACWY and Serogroup B Meningococcal)
- Prevnar (Pneumococcal)
- Td, Tdap
- Varicella (Chickenpox)
- Hepatitis A
- Influenza
- Rotavirus
- Shingles
- Covid-19
All children should have a current immunization record and be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Information about the vaccines can be obtained by clicking on the red lettering.
Vaccines are provided at no cost to children who are eligible for VFC (Vaccines For Children). Insurance and self pay are accepted for children who are not eligible for VFC. Call the Health Department at 740-441-2950 with any questions.
Travel Vaccines
Travel Vaccines are offered at the Gallia County Health Department.
Yellow Fever
The Yellow Fever vaccine is valid for 10 years and is a single immunization. The vaccine must be received at least 10 days prior to entry of a country to be considered valid. An International Certificate of Vaccination is provided to the client as proof of vaccination.
The Typhoid vaccine is valid for 2 years and is a single immunization.
Other travel vaccines offered include Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Twinrix, and IPV. These vaccines are listed on the Adult Immunization page.
* Call 740-441-2950 for current pricing.
For more information on travel vaccines visit
Flu Clinic Schedule
The vaccine will be available every regular business day from 8:00 am-5:00 pm at the Gallia County Health Department.
The flu clinic sites and dates will be posted on Gallia County Health Department’s Facebook Page.
** Please bring your driver’s license or state ID and insurance information.
** Homebound flu vaccine options are available for those in need.
Questions? Call 740-441-2950
TB Testing
TB tests are given every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. TB tests are given free of charge to Gallia County residents or people who work or attend school in Gallia County.
TB tests are provided at a cost of $12.00 to anyone who lives out of county or state and who do not meet the guidelines above.
REMEMBER! TB tests are good for one year and must be “read” 48 hours after they are administered!
Information on TB testing and diagnosis can be found on CDC’s Website
* Holidays may impact TB administration. Please call in advance. Call 740-441-2950
Cribs for Kids is a program at the Heath Department that offers safe sleep education and a safe place for baby to sleep. Individuals who participate in the program fill out a safe sleep survey and receive education via video and in person. After education is completed, the individual will be given a pack-n-play. Along with the pack-n-play, comes a safe sleep bundle which includes a sheet for the pack-n-play, a sleep sack, and a packet of local resources that may be helpful to the participant. GCHD staff then follow-up with each individual.
Program Eligibility:
- Mother at least 32 weeks pregnant or baby under a year old.
- Gallia county resident.
- Income based.
Parents living in separate homes or parents with multiples may receive more than one pack-n-play
Cribs for Kids Form
Harm reduction is a series of strategies and ideas that aim at meeting people where they are to save lives and reduce harm. Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids, including heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications. Available from the Health Department as a nasal spray, naloxone is safe and easy to use.
To request your free Naloxone, please complete the form below.
Ohio Tobacco Quit Line Hasn’t Quit on You
When the Ohio Tobacco Prevention Foundation recently ceased operations, many Ohioans incorrectly thought the Ohio Tobacco Quit Line – 1-800-QUIT-NOW – had ceased operations with it. Rest assured, the quit line has not quit on you. The Ohio Tobacco Quit Line is now housed at the Ohio Department of Health and continues to provide invaluable assistance to smokers who want to kick the tobacco habit.
Tobacco counselors are available to help you from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday-Friday and from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Soon-to-be-former smokers can also leave a message 24 hours a day and request a call-back time that is convenient for them. Service is available in 150 languages and TTY service is available for the deaf and hard of hearing at 1-888-229-2182.
Smokers who want to quit are much more successful when they take advantage of services such as the Ohio Tobacco Quit Line. Indeed, only 5 percent of those who try to quit smoking cold turkey are successful, compared to 22 percent who use the quit line. You have nothing to lose – except for a nasty habit that is the leading cause of preventable death – and everything to gain. Call the Ohio Tobacco Quit Line today at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669) or 1-888-229-2182 for TTY service. You and your loved ones will be glad you did.
Children with Medical Handicaps program
CMH is a tax-supported program within the Ohio Department of Health. The goal of CMH is to assure that children with special health care needs and their families obtain comprehensive care and services. The CMH offers three programs: A diagnostic program, to rule out handicap conditions, to diagnose a condition, and/ or to develop a plan of treatment; A treatment program, to provide ongoing treatment services for eligible children; A service co-ordination program, to help families obtain needed services for their children and to help coordinate services for the child.
To be eligible a child must:
- Be under 25 years of age.
- Be a resident of Ohio.
- Be under the care of a CMH provider.
- Have a chronic medical condition
- Meet financial eligibility.
For more information about the CMH Program contact Rachel Chambers, RN at 1-740-441-2950, Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Gallia County Health Department 499 Jackson Pike, Suite D Gallipolis, OH 45631 1-740-441-2950