Sewage Disposal
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) has the authority over the design, construction, installation, and operation of the sanitary sewers and sewage treatment devices for all buildings and places other than a private residence or a dwelling (one, two, or three family). In addition, sewage treatment required in new or altered RV parks, campgrounds, mobile home parks, swimming pools, food services, retail food services and marinas require approval by the Ohio EPA before being licensed.
To Obtain A Permit-To-Install
Before excavating the site for a building where public water and/or sewer services are not available, contact the district office of the OEPA. The district office can give advice on the relative merits of a site with regard to sewage disposal. Satisfactory location for the discharge of the effluent from sewage treatment plants may not be feasible. The investigation should be made before plans are started. Some sites may not be acceptable for sewage disposal.
Plans shall be prepared by a professional engineer familiar with sewerage systems in compliance with Sections 4733.01 throught 4733.25 and 4733.99 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Southeast District Office
Division of Surface Water
2195 Front Street
Logan, Ohio 43138
Complaints - Southeast Ohio District - 1-800-686-7330
The Gallia County Board of Health is charged with the enforcement authority of Ohio Administrative Code, Chapter 3701-29 concerning the construction, installation and maintenance of individual sewage disposal systems serving one, two and three family dwellings.
- Issues permits for the installation or alteration of household sewage disposal systems
- Licenses installers and cleaners of sewage disposal systems
- Conducts site evaluations
- Conducts annual inspections of household septic systems
- Provides operation and maintenance training
- Certifies existing septic systems for real estate transactions and refinancing
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency - Division of Surface Water