Nuisance Complaint Form Name of Complainant *Phone *Street Address *Apartment, suite, etcCityStateZIP / Postal CodeType of ComplaintComplaint Type *Garbage/DumpingSewageAnimalsWaterHousing SanitationFood EstablishmentOtherResponsible PartiesProperty Owner *Occupant *Street Address *Apartment, suite, etcCityStateZIP / Postal CodeStreet Address *Apartment, suite, etcCityStateZIP / Postal CodePhone *Phone *Explanation of Complaint *Directions To Complaint Location *DisclaimerHTMLThe Gallia County General Health District requires a written complaint in order to initiate a formal investigation and enforcement action. Copies of complaint correspondence shall be mailed to the complainant as the case progresses to keep you informed of the status of the complaint. In the event the complaint is found not to be valid (i.e. no sanitary code violations found), this does not interfere with your right to pursue civil action in a court of law. During the course of the investigation, the GalliaCounty Health Department staff will not verbally divulge any information about the complainant. However, in accordance with section 149.43 of the Ohio Revised Code, this public health nuisance complaint is public record, and may be reviewed, or copies obtained from the Gallia County Health Department.Signature of Complainant *Date *Send Message Prevent. Promote. Protect.